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My favorite online shop

If you feel inspired to try out a new craft or even if you are just browsing around on the internet – for no apparent reason, then do yourself a favor and have a look at

Woolcraft sells Ashford spinning wheels, weaving looms, wooden knitting needles, crochet hooks, fibres, yarns, dyes and books. Everything you need for spinning, weaving, felting, needle felting, hand knitting, crochet and all other fibre crafts, you will find there!

The day I stumbled across Woolcraft, I got inspired…I decided right there and then that I too will one day spin my own yarn – my spindle which I ordered that same day (no surprise there) is waiting impatiently for me to start spinning. Soon you will get an update from me where I will be happily spinning my very own yarn! Of course I would love to buy one of their Ashford spinning wheels, but I am afraid of being pricked and in my fairy tale, I do not have that much time to waste on sleeping…I have things to make and time waits for no man. LOL!

Unfortunately for my hubby, spinning was not the only inspiration I got…Now I also want to learn to weave and I have my eye on a Rigid Heddle Weaving Loom…I am not even going to start talking about that loom – I will keep you up until the early hours of the morning. All good things come to those who wait…so I am waiting…

My Ashford hand carders I also bought from Woolcraft, they not only work like a dream they are beautiful and very durable too. And “naturally” I buy my natural roving from them too like the Tussah Silk I spoke about in yesterday’s post.

Hop on over to her website and be inspired!!! (“Hop on over”…guess what I am working on.)

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