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My New Journey

On the 13th of October this year, my sister-in -law sent me a message and photos of her new Journaling Bible. The moment I saw it, I knew the time was right, I was ready to start my new journey.

My first page is where Jesus reached out, grabbed Peter and lifted him out of the water.

As I draw the hands, I could imagine how Peter must have felt when Jesus grabbed his hand, because, like Peter, I also experienced the feeling of helplessness and fear as the storms of life closed in on me, I also called out “save me, Lord” and every single time He would be there to grab my hand and lift me out of the storm I found myself in.

I thought Bible journaling was just another form of art , but I was mistaken, it is much more than that, for me it is not only the physical experience of using different mediums and art forms, it is also an emotional journey. While working on a page, that scripture unfolds in my head and touches my heart like never before. For the first time in my life I am experiencing God’s word in a totally different way.

Please join me as I start this new adventure. I will share with you what I learn along the way and also about the people who inspire me.

Here is my very first page, a pencil sketch and for those of you who might have wondered... No, I cannot draw to save my life! I traced the outlines and just did the shadows. I used a 4B and 6B Faber-Castell pencil as well as a charcoal one.

Until tomorrow...have a blessed day!

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