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To sew or not to sew

When I was young sewing was the one thing I despised doing. Until Megan Wallace crossed my path.

Megan is an artist and the owner of Tin Soldiers studio. She designs and sells the most beautiful teddy bear patterns and kits.

I bought my 1st teddy bear kit from her…then my 2nd …then my 3rd…

The inspiration she gave me got me started. I am happy to say, I’m still going strong.

Making teddies and watching how they slowly take shape and start to develop their own personality is an amazing experience and very therapeutic. I am sure, making a teddy bear, releases “happy hormones”. If you don’t believe me, then go give it a shot – buy yourself a kit and start creating.

I have grown so much over the years that this past week I started teaching a few ladies how to make teddy bears for a charity event. We are using a pattern designed by Megan.

I just realized: (Okay…this is going to sound very dramatic…but I will risk being a drama queen for today)

Megan is a candle spreading the light and now I am the mirror reflecting her light onto others. (Sounds like a snippet from Phantom of the Opera!) Anyway…moving on…

Today I raise my glass to Megan Wallace!

Visit her website or Etsy shop to see all her beautiful bear patterns!

I leave you with this:

Whether you think you can,

Or think you can’t,

YOU’RE RIGHT! (Henry Ford)

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