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"Less is more", more or less!

In my shop you will find 2 new needle felting tools, one with 7 needles and one with 3.

Well I have tried both and this is my "review".

1) Needle felting tool with 7 barbed felting needles of a medium gauge. The little tool is just under 10cm high, the needles are protected using a plastic case that raises & falls with the jabbing motion, so no need to worry about pricking your finger. The locking guards also protects the needles when stored.

It is comfortable to use and speeds up felting time, however I will only use this tool for flat felting.

It is perfect for making dog ears or other flat pieces.

One of the best uses for this tool apparently is felt applique onto material - which I am yet to try.

2)The Needle Felting Pen containing 3 needles, is my ultimate favorite. With this tool you can choose whether to use 1, 2 or 3 needles. I personally prefer using 2 needles. It is very comfortable to use and the one tool I will not want to be without. For the more detailed work, I use only one needle.

So in my case... Less is More!!!

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